Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Lizzie & Gus

Daddy, can we get a dog like Gus?

Ryan and I have a difference of opinion on what size dog, if any that we should have as a family pet. When I was young (& older), I grew up with small dogs that did not shed. When Ryan was young (& older) he grew up with medium size to large dogs that did shed. So, as you can see, we have a difference of opinion just based on our family history. Needless to say, we do not have a dog. Why? Probably because we can't agree on the size and type of dog. Who looses? We all do, because we actually really love dogs.

So, I was very excited when Gus, our neighbor dog came over to play with Lizzie. Gus is exactly the type of dog that Lizzie and I think that we should have as a family pet someday. Yes, even though Lizzie cannot talk, her actions - nice, gentle petting, giggles of glee, mezmerising stares at
Gus - tell me that she agrees.

So, I will ask one more time on Lizzie's behalf - "Daddy, can we pleaaasee have a dog like Gus?...Pretty Pleaaaseee."


Kim said...

Lizzie & Aunt Kelly we are on your side get a dog like Gus and name him Wally or Walrus!

Dylan & Cassidy

Katie said...

Sounds like the same dilemma we had. We did end up with the big dog that sheds. Big dogs are wonderful, but the shedding drives me a little crazy sometimes. I wish they made a non-shedding little (or even a medium) dog with the personality of a big dog!