Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Fall Apples

I love fall! Apples are synonomous with fall. I guess that is a good thing because Lizzie loves apples right now. She likes them even better now that I let her eat them whole rather than sliced up into small pieces. (Of course, I keep a watchful eye on her as she takes her big bites :) ).

You might be wondering why I am blogging about Lizzie and apples, so here you go (it may not be the most interesting story...but the Wolthuis family is pretty common folk these days and that is okay with me).

I have a bowl full of fake apples on my table. Every time we would walk past the table she would say, "ball". After a number of times with her saying "ball" as we walked by the table, I finally realized that she thought the apples were balls. I mistakenly gave her one of the fake apples to help her understand that they weren't balls and she tried to take a bite out of it (hence the new teeth marks in my fake apples). Due to her frustration with not being able to eat the fake apples, I decided it was time that she could start eating real apples. She loves it!

1 comment:

Leslie Griffen said...

Nothing wrong with eating whole apples, you should see the looks I get for giving Noah huge pieces of food....LOL!!!!