Sunday, September 28, 2008


It has been a busy week for Lizzie. She is taking a lot of steps on her own, but she is not officially walking. I have a feeling she will be walking in the next couple of weeks. She has mastered climbing. She can now climb onto the ottoman which brings her to the chair. We have to keep a close eye on her because as Ryan and I like to say she likes to "dive-bomb" off the side of it (she has no fear). She also likes to climb into infant car seats (her cousin Cassidy's car seat) and exersuacers. And as you can see from the attached picture, she has attempted to climb into empty bathroom drawers. To keep her occupied while I'm getting ready I taught her to throw her bath toys in and out of the drawer. Yesterday, while I was getting ready, I looked down and saw her yellow "fishy" in the drawer - nothing new. The next time I looked down I saw her sprawled across the top of the drawer trying to figure out how to join her yellow "fishy". After numerous attempts to fit into the drawer accompanied by yelling and screaming and bumping her head, I helped her sit in the drawer. This was probably not a great idea, but I was finished listening to her tantrums and I didn't want her to hurt I caved.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Watch out, here she are going to have your hands full with this little girl.