Wednesday, June 11, 2008

For Those Who Feel Average - Remain Faithful

I read this today and I thought how true...there are a lot of people who can be added to this list...stay at home moms come to my mind right now.

Faithfulness - what a great attribute.

Much of our attention and praise is directed toward highly visible and successful people. But occasionally we read about an ordinary, obscure person being honored for many years of faithful service. It may be a school custodian, a cafeteria worker, a handyman, or a clerk in a store who has served others in a dependable and unselfish way.
That kind of reliability often goes unnoticed, but I believe it's a powerful picture of how we are to live. Although consistency may not be flashy, days add up to a life of great significance to God.
Paul wrote, "It is required in stewards that one be found faithful" (1 Corinthians 4:2). If we live faithfully for Christ, God has promised to reward us at His appointed time. When the Lord comes, He "will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness and reveal the counsels of the hearts. Then each one's praise will come from God" (v.5).
When we long for success, God says, "I will reward you."
When we ache for recognition, God says, "I see you."
When we are ready to quit, God says, "I will help you."
Whether our service is public or private, our responsibility is the same—to be faithful. —David McCasland
In all the little things of life,Yourself, Lord, may I see;In little and in great alike,Help me to faithful be! —Anon.
God doesn't ask us to be successful but to be faithful.

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