Sunday, June 1, 2008

Enjoying the Outdoors

Lizzie absolutely loves the outdoors! Whenever she gets crabby all we have to do is put her next to the window and talk to her about the birds and the trees and she is quiet.

The other day I decided to see whether she liked the touch of grass on her toes and fingers (because Dylan hated it). To be honest I was surprised to find out that she really seemed to enjoy it. She is very much a girl who likes to feel different textures. So, if you ever drive by our house and wonder why we are always sitting out in the front or back lawn on the ground it is probably because she is patting the grass or pulling it.

You'll also notice that I've included a few pictures of our recent trip to the park. Lizzie giggles with glee when she swings. It reminds me of Psalm 8 "From the mouths of infants and children you have created praise."

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