Wednesday, April 2, 2008

It's a girl!

It's a girl! Kim called me this morning to tell me that they had their baby by way of c-section at 5:30. I guess she went to Marshalls last night to pick up a few things (probably baby clothes for the girl that she was sure they weren't having) and she started to feel contractions come on. Kim was hoping for a girl, but they didn't know what they were having. Kim wanted a girl so bad - partly so that she could buy cute baby girl clothes.

At any rate, her name is Cassidy Ann and she was born at 5:30 weighing in at a small 6 lbs. 4 oz. I will post a picture when I get one, but I wanted to let everyone know Elizabeth has a new baby girl cousin. Dylan is now outnumbered 2 to 1. I guess it is time for Jason and Julie to try and make the number even - no more dogs, just babies :) (sorry Jason and Julie...I'm not trying to pressure you guys...I know that it will be a few years before this could be reality).

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